Konsoul Kingdom Ltd
Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2 - Pre-loved and Fully Tested
Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2 - Pre-loved and Fully Tested
20 years ago, the video games industry, magazines and fans waited for each new chapter of the Final Fantasy series. I was no different, they were stunning to play, to listen to and to watch - literally like candy for the senses.
A rare piece of retro gaming
Pre-loved and Fully Tested, No DLC
It was an age when magic was commonplace and airships plied the skies, crowding out the heavens. Our tale begins in Dalmasca, one small kingdom in the world of Ivalice. There, a young orphan named Vaan dreams of escaping his life on the streets, piloting an airship of his own, free to go where he will.
Against the backdrop of the war engulfing Dalmasca, Vaan meets Princess Ashe, the sole surviving heir to the Dalmascan throne who had been given up for missing. They are joined by Vaan's friend Penelo, the sky pirate Balthier, and his partner Fran.
And with them is Basch, a captain in the Dalmascan army who turned traitor and slew his king. Grand adventure and unforeseen encounters set the stage of Ivalice for the telling of this epic tale.